宋 璞
办学理念是学校文化的集中体现,包含着对学校历史的科学总结和办学愿景。积极而科学的办学理念推进健康的学校文化。重庆南开中学诞生在抗日的炮火中,是一所有着悠久历史和光荣传统的名校。张伯苓校长在南开学校建校30周年庆典上宣布将“允公允能,日新月异”作为南开学校的校训。“公”即 “天下为公”,它是一种胸怀,一种责任,一种人格的至高境界;“能”即服务社会的能力。“公能”校训旨在教育南开师生勇担社会责任,学好本领改造社会。在“公能”校训的指导下,重庆南开中学建校以来培养了32位院士,20余位国家和省部级领导,近5万名祖国各个领域的骨干。学校珍视历史资源,在进行校史研究的基础上,认真挖掘南开办学理念的核心价值,充分发挥校训的文化凝聚力,矢志坚持“公能”理念。在新时期,学校又结合新的时代背景提炼出“把南开中学建成现代化的,在国际上具有一定知名度的中华名校”的办学目标和“为造就二十一世纪国家需要的高素质、高层次、创新型人才打好整体素质基础”的教育目标,引领学校文化方向。
On (the Features of) School Cultural Development
Song Pu
The school culture, which centers on teaching-learning activities, is a kind of values and behaviors formed on the basis of education and accumulated in the civilized process of the school. It is a kind of school spirit with its characteristic cohesion and an essential component of the school’s all-round development.
Guided by the school motto of Dedication to public interests, acquisition of all-round capability, and aspiration for progress with each day and its historical tradition, Chongqing Nankai Secondary School is dedicated to enrich its times connotation, build campus culture, explore educational function and seek for creation.
1. Refining Education Concept by Exploring Historic
The schooling concept is a philosophical reflection of education practice from the logical point of view. It embodies the schooling objectives and education values and it constitutes the main character of school culture construction.
Dedication, acquisition and aspiration--the school motto of Chongqing Nankai Secondary School is a precious heritage in Nankai history and a driving force for our development and progress. It means to cultivate the social morality of students and teachers and the service capability for the entire society. It is under this concept that Chongqing Nankai Secondary School has nurtured 33 academicians of Chinese Academy of Science, over 20 national and provincial leaders, and about 50000 backbones from all walks of life since its establishment. In the new era, Chongqing Nankai Secondary School, on the background of new era, has set forth its new schooling objective of Building Nankai Secondary School to Be A Modern, Internationally Well-known Secondary School and its new education objective of Laying A Solid Foundation for The High Quality, Senior, And Creative Human Resources For 21st Century, which will orientate the development of school culture.
2. Harmonizing Environment to Imply an Atmosphere of Culture
Compatible environment is the foundation for existence and development of human beings. Culture is the integration of material civilization and spiritual civilization accumulated during the development of human society. Therefore, environment is the origin of culture and the potential factor influencing culture orientation in a formed society. For a school, campus architectures (layout, style and color), facilities, trees and flowers etc., are the direct carriers of school culture and the external factors creating a cultural atmosphere. Harmonious ecological environment may well imply a cultural atmosphere of nature, truth and beauty. We have adhered to the principle of symmetry and simple in the construction of the school with the playground located in the middle and the teaching buildings on both sides. This steady and elegant architectural style best embodies the Mean Thought and tolerance ideology of traditional Chinese culture, which makes your minds wander in history.
Besides functional view of construction, Nankai Secondary School also attaches great importance to the creation of a balanced ecological environment. Trees have covered 80% of the campus, and thousands of species and plants dotted the school. The whole campus is a green place full of trees and flowers, fragrance of the flowers, and songs of singing birds. This environment brings teachers and students close to nature, makes them fond of nature, and gives them a feeling of peace and harmony between people and nature which is also a kind of culture rooted in daily life and a potential shaping force for the establishment of habits and beliefs.
3. Orientating Culture Through Management
Apart from external implications from environment, it is important and necessary to provide feasible guidelines for school culture construction. In the new era, Nankai Secondary School sticks to the principle of arming students with scientific learning, guiding them with correct public opinions, shaping them with noble spirit, and inspiring them with superior works of culture. It gives full play to management to guide them in their pursuit for the truth and kindness. Adherence to cultural orientation is the guarantee for the carrying out education objectives in the planned direction and it is the premise to the performance of all other tasks.
Paying attention to the cultural influences on people, Nankai Secondary School has organized various activities related to teaching and learning. This includes introducing to newly admitted teachers and students school history, school motto, school anthem and disciplines for appearance and behaviors, showing them around school history exhibition, and training them to love their country and school and love and respect themselves as well. The school will emphasis this cultural awareness in class meetings, school meetings and staff meetings. The school will train the teachers to be level-headed, far-sighted, and establish the key position of culture by vivid methods. Besides, we also care for building of bulletin boards and service windows and perform the practice of praising the well-done work to encourage more good work.
By orientation and education, Nankai Secondary School has established its own unique culture---a culture of devotion, dedication, variety and friendliness.
4. Creating special atmosphere of learning by Developing Characteristic Curriculum System
In the school, students are educated through course-takings, therefore the course set-up is a key aspect of culture construction. Guided by the objective of making Nankai the University among secondary schools, we take an active part in course reform and developed a comprehensive curriculum system consisting of required courses, optional courses, and self-study courses.
Students who have completed the required courses can have access to the choice of over thirty optional courses ranging from tool-using training, to interest extending studies and comprehensive researches. These courses are elaborately designed to extend the students" scope of knowledge in their preferred field and give chances for special-field teachers to teach. We run a Nankai Forum joined by specialists of science and humanities on a regular basis to refresh the academic air and stimulate the students to learn further and wider. We publish the school journal Nankai Teaching Research to help teaching and research. We hold lecture contests among teachers for academic exchange and improvement. We also arrange for students to edit publications, make investigations, and carry out practice socially to create a special atmosphere of learning.
By attending lectures, giving demonstration lessons, joining in teaching-learning discussions or composing an article, teachers and students can feel the originality of schooling concept, the free atmosphere of learning, the systematic methodology of teaching, and the tolerant ideology towards life, and gradually accumulate an extensive knowledge for future development. With its special traits, Nankai’s curriculum system has added up to characteristic school culture.
5. Cultivating Students Physically and Artistically
Physical and artistic subjects are no the less important than moral and intellectual subjects in the pursuit for quality-oriented education. They enhance the student’s appreciation for beauty and form a kind of esthetic culture. As a key school, we must promote physical and artistic activities to broaden the mind, and enrich aesthetic culture and enable the students to discover beauty, appreciate beauty and seek beauty.
In Nankai Secondary School, there is a group of well-trained coaches who actively promote physical and artistic development and cultivate the students with a sense of beauty. There are track and field teams, women basketball team, student chorus, dance team, wind band and traditional instruments orchestra which have won prizes in the past years and sent many a student to famous universities. We also hold an annual special concert, New Year’s party, anniversary party in honor of school foundation, calligraphy exhibition, costume show etc. which feature esthetic education and give students a sense of pride while creating an atmosphere of beauty.
6. Stressing on Cultural Exchanges through International Communication
Human civilization develops through constant collisions and exchanges with other cultures. Cultures are not isolated. They will inevitably collide, mix with other cultures so that be renewed. Cultural exchanges can increase cross-nation contact, promote unison and contribute to human progress. Culture will not be developed in isolation, it must open to other cultures and draw experiences from them to adjust its own path. Only in this way can a culture be rich, inclusive, and harmonious.
Valuing cultural exchanges, Nankai Secondary School has selectively chosen a few schools both home and abroad as partners for cultural and scholarly exchanges. We exchange teachers and students with American and British Schools in the hope that students can learn to understand and respect different cultures to bridge cultural gaps between the east and the west. Besides, we are have employed English-speaking natives to teach oral English on a regular basis and sending teachers of Nankai to study overseas. In this way we have cultivated the students with an international overview and catholicity ideology.
As cultural construction, down to the ground, is to help the school construct, it cannot be treated as pure culture or constructed for culture’s sake only. As a matter of fact, it is everywhere in teaching and administration and we must abstract and refine culture from the teaching and administration to make an analysis of it. As a result, cultural development is by no means an isolated task but goes hand in hand with moral and intellectual development, the improvement of teaching methodology, and the forming of a distinguished teaching group.